Orders can be grouped in one route and assigned to the courier. The system will group orders into the fastest route and calculate the time of each order. Route can be changed according to your requirements.

When you have some orders that you need to group and assign them to one courier, click on the “multi select mode”, select the orders you want to assign and click on the “associate” button (screenshot 1).

screenshot 1

At the new opened window, click on the courier and then on the “OK” button (screenshot 2).

screenshot 2

Another way is to click on the “associate” button on the courier's menu (screenshot 3).

screenshot 3

At the new opened window, select the orders and then click on the “OK” button (screenshot 4).

screenshot 4

The orders will be grouped in one route, and you will see the time and distance information for this route (1). The route point will be colored in one color on the map (2). At the courier's menu, you can find the delivery time for every address (3) (screenshot 5).

screenshot 5

By clicking on the orders group on the left side of the screen or by clicking on the orders information below the courier on the right side of the screen, you will see the route information (screenshot 6), where you can change the route order according to your priority.

screenshot 6

Here you can see the route time and distance and additionally time and distance (1), when you will change the route order by clicking on the arrows (2) on the order delivery address.

screenshot 7