In order to open the shift of a control center, do the following:
From the Dashboard, go to “Settings”
On the left - side menu, Select “Control Centers ”:
Press on the “Play” button on the right-side from the header of the Control Center:
After clicking on the “Play” button, a new window would appear with the option to assign a manager to a Control Center:
Click on the "User" field and from the drop-down list select the manager that you want to assign to that Control Center.
The "Pull Orders" toggle allows pulling active orders (that still not assigned to courier) that were supposed to reach this control center, but reached other control centers since this control center was closed. In other words, if the toggle is "ON" these orders will be moved from other control centers to this.
Once the manager is selected, press “Save” to start the shift of the control center:
After clicking on the “Save” button, the Control Center will be displayed as “Active”: