Order delay coloring

In the system, you can enable a visual coloring effect for orders that are delayed. There are two stages of delay order coloring, the first is Time to notify about order at risk of being late, the second Time to alert about late order.

First, you need to turn on the parameter Orders Colors. Click on the Settings tab on the upper navigation panel and then click on General settings on the left sidebar (screenshot 1).

(screenshot 1)

On the General settings screen, scroll down to find the Orders Colors parameter and move the toggle to the yes position (screenshot 2).

(screenshot 2)

Next step, click on the General settings on the left sidebar (screenshot 3).

(screenshot 3)

On the General settings screen, scroll down to the notifications settings and find Highlight Order As Delayed When Target Delivery Time Is Within, and Highlight Order As Late When Target Delivery Time Is Within fields (screenshot 4).

(screenshot 4)

Highlight Order As Delayed When Target Delivery Time Is Within  is the first notification of a delay (Enter the time before the end of the specified maximum delivery time you want to receive an alert). Highlight Order As Late When Target Delivery Time Is Within is the second warning about a delayed order (Enter the time before the end of the specified maximum delivery time you want to receive an alert). These parameters depend on depot max delivery time or region max delivery time.

*to find depot max delivery time, go to Depot settings in the Settings tab and click on the edit button

*to find region max delivery time, go to Regions in the Settings tab and click on the edit button

The first alert will color your order in light blue (screenshot 5).

(screenshot 5)

The second alert will color your order in yellow (screenshot 6).

(screenshot 6)